Spring Beekeeping Tips You Need To Know This Season

by Flow Hive 1 min read

Spring is a busy time for the bees and also for beekeepers!

From inspections and splits to swarm catches – here’s our top 5 tips for managing your colony’s needs this spring.


Splitting Your Hive

Topics covered:

  • 🐝 Is your hive ready to split
  • 🐝 Preparing a second brood box
  • 🐝 Which frames to transfer
  • 🐝 Assembling your new set-up
  • 🐝 When to re-inspect

BONUS Check out these queen cells 👑

Making room in the hive

Topics covered:


  • 🐝 Which frames to extract
  • 🐝 Safely removing bees from a frame
  • 🐝 How to harvest honeycomb
  • 🐝 Reassembling your hive

How and when to harvest honey

Topics covered:

  • 🐝 How to select honey frames for harvest
  • 🐝 Using your Flow Key
  • 🐝 Tips for a smooth honey flow
  • 🐝 Ensuring your Flow Frames are reset

How to vertically hive split

Topics covered:

  • 🐝 Is your hive ready to split?
  • 🐝 Which frames to transfer
  • 🐝 Where to add new brood frames
  • 🐝 How to assemble your vertical split
  • 🐝 When to relocate

How to catch a swarm

Topics covered:

  • 🐝 Preparing a swarm-catching box
  • 🐝 Positioning for a successful catch
  • 🐝 Shaking a swarm effectively
  • 🐝 How to set-up your new box
  • 🐝 When to relocate your swarm



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