  • Benjeddou M, Leat N, Allsopp M, Davison S. Detection of acute bee paralysis virus and black queen cell virus from honeybees by reverse transcriptase pcr. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2001 May;67(5):2384-7. doi: 10.1128/AEM.67.5.2384-2387.2001. PMID: 11319129; PMCID: PMC92884
Picture Credits:
  1. Rob Snyder, Beeinformed Partnership

Beekeeping requires specialist skills, carries inherent dangers, and is often subject to regulation. Instructional content we provide is intended as a general guide only and may not be applicable to your specific circumstances. If in doubt, seek assistance from your local authority, a professional beekeeping service or your nearest beekeeping association.

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